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Happy 10th Birthday Media Molecule!

Today marks the 10th anniversary for Media Molecule, woo! It’s been one amazing adventure ever since the studio was launched. It would be hard and sad to imagine what things would be like if this never happened. After all, everything has a ripple effect and who knows, you may not be quite the same if not inspired by this marvelous team.


Interactions and friendships go a long way. Not just for Media Molecule, but for you gamers as well. Many of you have met through all kinds of social network platforms, fan sites, conventions, etc. Everything you create or share no matter how little or big it is can literally change the world.

Even though developers started at individual points in their own timelines, check out the overall timeline for Media Molecule.  A lot of awesome things are coming up this year such as Dreams PS4 and the early access beta for it. We’ll have more new info soon here at ImpSpace.

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