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“No Imps Dream”, The First Dreams PS4 Short Film

Media Molecule’s Dreams has been showing off a lot of new cool stuff lately. Today, ImpSpace is revealing our first big Dreams project. “No Imps Dream”; the first Dreams short film has been made collaboratively by the ImpSpace community, and the beta hasn’t even released yet! Check out the animated movie made with the help of Dreams and see how it all came together.

The First Dreams PS4 Short Film


This Dreams short film was made with 11 people total including the original work from John Beech and Peter Field from Media Molecule. Obviously there is a correlation between this Dreams movie and “No Mans Sky” from Hello Games which releases Tuesday August 9th. Both Dreams and No Mans Sky are big on discovering new things. This movie made with Dreams on PS4 should help people realize the kind of potential the game’s animation side has.

“No Imps Dream” also shows how people can collaborate on all kinds of different talents with Dreams. Those of you familiar with Little Big Planet, the spiritual predecessor to Dreams, know the basics of collaboration in sandbox mode. With Dreams collaboration gets bigger and better than ever. If you want to collaborate on the next Dreams community project let us know! Join the Dreams PS4 Discord Server and ImpSpace for easier collaboration access. We’ll have more Dreams news to share soon here at ImpSpace.

“No Imps Sky” Credits

Subtenko, BASSMEANT, Simply Undrea, Johnee_B, Peter__Field, davidworksonline, hedgehog1, Kodack, PapercutterJohn, tc630, chrillz3r

Comments (2)

Nice! Do you have a link to the movie? 🙂


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