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Upcoming DreamsPS4 Community Update at ImpSpace

We’ve been squashing bugs, working on the overall framework and vision for the community and more. Here are some quick details about upcoming changes.

First and foremost, most of you reading this have probably already read the email about the worlds update to data etiquette. Basically the whole reason for GDPR and other internet measures are to make it easier for users to know what kind data and how it’s used, but also helps deter companies from misuse. Now they have even more reason to comply. View our privacy-policy and terms-of-service for our community.

When it comes to our community and dreams, we’ve been pretty busy over the past few months. A handful of you have had sign up issues where you’re unable to login or register so we’re pretty much had user registration on hold until this update drops. There were bugs in which we couldn’t get your new profiles set up as well, these are now fixed and wont reset. The forums also encountered a bug where users could not post, ayiii-yii-yiiiii!

We’ve all been partying in the Dreams Discord Server anyway so it hasn’t been too bad! Here’s the thing about the forums though, there is difficulty porting over users and content due to us improving the forum system as well. That’s why we’re still in beta mode and have adopted a transparent development cycle since the dreams tech demo first landed at E3.

You’ll be able to search and filter things in the forums better than you could have before. The forum layout is much more organized so that will make specific conversations easier to find and jump into.

There’s more to reveal with the new community update but we wanna save the surprises; don’t spoil the update for yourself! The site will be on pause while we get this all ready. If you haven’t done so yet, join the DreamsPS4 Discord Server, join the Reddit, and follow us on Twitter. We hope everyone’s been excited about the latest DreamsPS4 livestreams and news coming out. Media Molecule is doing a fantastic job finishing the game up.

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