Discord Server Changes

Hey everyone, we have a sweet short tiny yet significant update for the community. The Discord server has made some improvements to encourage and promote the use of the server for other creative tools along with Dreams. Naturally the Dreams community came together because of such a great platform creative by Media Molecule for PlayStation. We all for the most part use or enjoy things like game engines on computers, video editing and graphics design with various programs even if they are mobile apps.

Channels in the Discord Server have put a special place for Dreams content and we’ve now officially added a general section to the ImpSpace Discord Server. Dreams is still there and will always be. We’re glad to see the community still here and using Dreams among other things. Thank you for joining us to all we’ve meet so far. We are looking forward to meeting newcomers to the community as they can better see we welcome you even if you don’t have Dreams or a PlayStation.
You can find updates from us here at ImpSpace and on X. Connect with the community on the ImpSpace Discord Server.