Incoming Dreams Community Updates

Hello all you dreamers out there, we’re currently in an exciting transitional phase. We’ll be doing several updates for our dreams community as we hinted at originally. Much like the actual state of Dreams by Media Molecule, we keep the concept of an evolving platform in mind. This shows how people can help change the scene up and progress it in various ways.

With that said, first we’re upgrading our network to be better than ever. Next you’ll notice the whole site will be at a new address. Without giving it away just yet, we’ll just say you’ll know about the new address when the time comes. The site will always be doing small incremental updates where ever it can improve and where there’s demand for it.

Until then, make sure you and your friends have joined the PS4 community at “DreamsPS4” and especially the Dreams PS4 Discord server at You don’t wanna miss what we’ve got planned next! P.S. Happy 4th of July 🙂


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